The Transformation of Balham: From Village to Vibrant Suburb

The Transformation of Balham: From Village to Vibrant Suburb Balham, once a quiet village on the outskirts of London, has transformed over the decades into a vibrant and sought-after suburb. This evolution has been marked by significant changes in its infrastructure, cultural landscape, and community spirit. Central to this transformation are iconic landmarks like DuContinueContinue reading “The Transformation of Balham: From Village to Vibrant Suburb”

History of Du Cane Court: A Balham Icon

Du Cane Court, an architectural marvel located in Balham, London, stands as a testament to the area’s rich history and cultural evolution. With its distinctive Art Deco style and significant historical importance, Du Cane Court has been a beloved landmark since its construction in the 1930s. This article explores the history of Du Cane Court,ContinueContinue reading “History of Du Cane Court: A Balham Icon”

Du Cane Court: Rediscovering a 1930s Build-to-Rent Marvel

Welcome to the world of Du Cane Court, a timeless testament to the innovation of the Build-to-Rent sector. With a legacy dating back to the 1930s, Du Cane Court continues to captivate with its architectural brilliance and visionary design. Join us as we delve into the story of this iconic development and explore how itsContinueContinue reading “Du Cane Court: Rediscovering a 1930s Build-to-Rent Marvel”

Flashback to London’s Vibrant 1930s: Iconic Events that Shaped the Decade!

In the 1930s, London experienced significant events and developments across various areas, including politics, culture, and social changes. Some major events that occurred in London during that decade include: The Great Depression: The global economic downturn of the late 1920s and 1930s had a significant impact on London, leading to high unemployment rates and economicContinueContinue reading “Flashback to London’s Vibrant 1930s: Iconic Events that Shaped the Decade!”

🚇 Remembering the Tragedy: The Balham Tube Station Disaster 🚇

On 14 October 1940 at 8.02pm a 1400 kilo semi armour piercing bomb penetrated 32 feet underground and exploded just above the cross passage between the two platforms in Balham station, while above ground a number 88 bus, travelling in blackout conditions, plunged into the crater created. The dramatic spectacle was newsworthy and pictures circulatedContinueContinue reading “🚇 Remembering the Tragedy: The Balham Tube Station Disaster 🚇”

Legends say that this Art Deco apartment building almost became Hitler’s British headquarters.

Atlas Obscura have written another article including the myth that Hitler wanted Du Cane Court as his UK HQ. Excerpt: Du Cane Court is a strikingly beautiful Art Deco apartment building in Balham, South London. It opened in 1937 with 676 apartments, making it one of the largest blocks of flats to be found anywhereContinueContinue reading “Legends say that this Art Deco apartment building almost became Hitler’s British headquarters.”

Original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales Brochure

Porters Estate Agents have scanned a very rare copy of the original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales brochure which is linked below. Whilst there are many myths and rumours about Du Cane Court, including the private restaurant and rooms to let on the top floor, this original sales brochure will put a few of thoseContinueContinue reading “Original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales Brochure”

A History of Du Cane Court: Land, Architecture, People and Politics

A synopsis of the book Du Cane Court is a popular art deco block of flats in Balham, one which, has become known both near and far. It has featured in property programmes and crime dramas on television and has had a variety of residents and visitors. To compile the book, the author visited various libraries,ContinueContinue reading “A History of Du Cane Court: Land, Architecture, People and Politics”