The text from the original sales brochure of Du Cane Court: ELECTRICITY. Electricity is provided for lighting, heating and cooking at the low rate of d. per unit, subject to a small quarterly fixed charge according to the size of the flat. GAS. Gas is laid on in the First Section and is charged forContinueContinue reading “Du Cane Court Original Brochure – Services – Page 5”
Tag Archives: sales guide
Du Cane Court Original Brochure – Entrance Hall – Page 3
Text reads: EVERY CONSIDERATION has been given to the planning of Du Cane Court in order to ensure that all flats have the utmost light and air. Every room, including kitchens and bathrooms, have windows opening directly to light and air. The first section of the building is erected in the form of the letterContinueContinue reading “Du Cane Court Original Brochure – Entrance Hall – Page 3”
Original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales Brochure
Porters Estate Agents have scanned a very rare copy of the original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales brochure which is linked below. Whilst there are many myths and rumours about Du Cane Court, including the private restaurant and rooms to let on the top floor, this original sales brochure will put a few of thoseContinueContinue reading “Original 1937 Du Cane Court Sales Brochure”