16. In case of fire!

Section 16 – IN CASE OF FIRE!

If you suspect there is a fire please dial 999 immediately and advise the porters/security as soon as possible only if safe to do so. Close all doors and leave your flat by the emergency stairways. DO NOT USE THE LIFTS. All flats are strongly encouraged to fit Smoke detectors and to be aware of the nearest FIRE EXIT.


The easiest way to protect your home and yourself is with a working smoke alarm
• A Smoke alarm can provide an early warning of a fire and allow you to make your escape, but only if it is working.
• Test your smoke alarms regularly.
• Never disconnect or take the batteries out of your smoke alarm.

If you do not have a smoke alarm within your property you can make an appointment with the London Fire Brigade for a free home fire safety visit. The London Fire Brigade offers personal fire safety advice in your home and will also fit a free smoke alarm where needed. If you or someone you know wants a home fire safety visit, you can call free on: 08000284428 or email at: [email protected]

You can prevent a fire from happening by taking a few simple steps

• Do not leave cooking unattended
• Be especially vigilant when cooking with oil, Don’t overfill chip pans and
NEVER throw water on a chip fire
• Make sure cigarettes are extinguished properly, use a proper ashtray, never
throw cigarettes from flat windows
• Don’t overload electrical sockets
• Turn off appliances when not in use
• Make sure candles are secured in a proper holder and away from materials
which may catch fire, never leave lit candles unattended.
Keep safe and plan your escape
• Ensure you have a smoke alarm & Make sure you are aware of where your nearest fire exit is to from your flat, do it now don’t wait until an emergency. if in doubt speak to the reception desk staff. Fire Exits are also shown on the attached floor plan. o Close doors at night especially the doors to the kitchen to prevent fire.

Du Cane Court Guide for Owners and Tenants

Download the full Du Cane Court Guide for owners and tenants October 2015

Please be aware that the information provided here is based on data from October 2015 and has been automatically generated using optical character recognition from the Du Cane Court Guide for Owners and Tenants PDF. As a result, there might be minor errors in the content.

Du Cane Court Fire Exits On All Floors

du cane court fire exits and floor plan