Flashback to London’s Vibrant 1930s: Iconic Events that Shaped the Decade!

In the 1930s, London experienced significant events and developments across various areas, including politics, culture, and social changes. Some major events that occurred in London during that decade include: The Great Depression: The global economic downturn of the late 1920s and 1930s had a significant impact on London, leading to high unemployment rates and economicContinueContinue reading “Flashback to London’s Vibrant 1930s: Iconic Events that Shaped the Decade!”

What is Art Deco?

Art Deco, a captivating art style that emerged in France on the cusp of World War I, transcended traditional boundaries and left an indelible mark on the visual arts, architecture, and design. Its influence permeated every facet of life, from the sleek lines of furniture to the exquisite craftsmanship of jewellery. https://www.instagram.com/p/CurIBawLXbe/?img_index=1 As this artisticContinueContinue reading “What is Art Deco?”