Amazing Examples of Art Deco in South Beach Miami

It’s August and it’s hot so one can’t help but think of sunnier climes and beaches. Art Deco enclaves around the world like Miami Beach and South Beach and Fort Lauderdale mean if you are interested in Art Deco you can incorporate your love of architecture with a holiday. Now imagine if Du Cane CourtContinueContinue reading “Amazing Examples of Art Deco in South Beach Miami”

Beautiful Examples Of Art Deco In London

Okay so it’s not always about Du Cane Court. If you love DCC it’s likely you have a liking for other Art Deco gems around the world. Here are some great shots of Art Deco London. Bloomsbury in London Senate House in Bloomsbury London’s first sky scraper. London N1 More below…ContinueContinue reading “Beautiful Examples Of Art Deco In London”

The Most Beautiful McDonald’s in the World is in Australia

This Art Deco Gem is now a McDonald’s and is in Clifton Hill, Melbourne, Australia and “We’re Lovin’ It’ The McDonald’s restaurant in Clifton Hill, Melbourne is quite possibly the most beautiful McDonald’s in the world. I’m not sure but perhaps we should have a poll? It’s certainly better than the Maccas onContinueContinue reading “The Most Beautiful McDonald’s in the World is in Australia”

Don’t live in Beautiful Art Deco Du Cane Court but want to see inside?

The wonders of technology and social media mean many of the residents of Du Cane Court have shared pictures of the inside of this stunning 1930’s building on Balham High Road in South London. From the wonders of the balustrades to the original art deco features. Even the utilitarianContinueContinue reading “Don’t live in Beautiful Art Deco Du Cane Court but want to see inside?”