Please ensure if you have any contractors undertaking works to your property that you make them aware of these guidelines;
- No contractors’ vehicles (apart from those employed for the maintenance of Du Cane Court) are allowed to park in the inner courtyards without the express permission of the Manager.
- All deliveries of materials to be made through the rear entrance where the service lift is situated.
- All workmen to use this same entrance. Under no circumstances may workmen use the passenger lifts.
- All work to be carried out during normal working hours i.e. 8.30 am – 5 pm. Monday to Friday and Saturday morning until 1 pm. Sunday and Bank Holiday working is not permitted.
- Any work of a noisy nature i.e. hammering, drilling, sawing etc must be kept to a minimum and neighbours above and below should be notified in advance of such works of at least 24hrs minimum notice and if at all possible noisy works should be avoided on a Saturday. Please speak to Estate Office staff with regards to notifying neighbours.
- Re-furbishment works are not to be carried out on a Saturday.
- No sawing is to be carried out in any of the courtyards or corridors.
- The use of a Kangoo is strictly forbidden.
- To save the common parts from dirt, wear and tear etc, a dustsheet must be used outside the relevant flat door during working hours and then removed each day.
- It is not permissible to use either the common parts bin Store areas or passages for storage or working.
- The playing of transistor radios so as to be heard outside the flat is not allowed.
- The removal of all rubble, rubbish, etc relevant to the work is the responsibility of the contractor. It must be retained in the flat until removed from site.
Arrangements for individual skips should be made with the Manager. - No advertising boards may be placed anywhere in the curtilage of the building
Du Cane Court Guide for Owners and Tenants
Download the full Du Cane Court Guide for owners and tenants October 2015