The text on page 7 follows on from Page 6 and reads;
illustration portrays a kitchenette of the type provided in all the large flats.
Note.-In the Second Section of Du Cane Court gas is not available. Kitchenettes, etc., are all electric.
A pedestal hand-basin is provided, with running hot and cold water, and the enclosed panelled bath is fitted with a mixing valve to the hot and cold taps. This ensures a steady flow of water at a constant temperature, as required. The walls round the bath are tiled, and a low-down lavatory cistern and a white enamelled medicine cabinet have been installed. The chromium plated heated towel airer which has been provided will be found both convenient and efficient.
All Bathrooms have jointless flooring and a coved skirting.
TENANTS at Du Cane Court are drawn from all parts of London and from the four corners of the world. We have extremely interesting people in residence who have come from India, Canada, China, South Africa, etc., but the majority of our tenants are those occupying posts in and around the City, Whitehall and Victoria. In addition, the convenience and lux- ury-and our moderate rentals- have attracted many former dwellers from Knightsbridge, Kensington, Bayswater, etc.
It also has illustrations of the Kitchenette and Bathroom
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